Blendtheprofileofalow dragmatchbulletwithatraditionalhuntingprojectiledesign and you?rereadytotakeonalmostanythingthat walksonfourlegs. FederalPremiumBerger ClassicHunterbulletweightshavebeenfinetunedtoprovideexceptionalaccuracythrough factoryrifles. Ballisticcoefficientsexceedthose ofcomparabledesignsthankstoahybridnose designthatcombinestangentandsecantogive features. Thebulletsareloadedwithourfinest nickel platedbrassGoldMedalprimersand speciallyformulatedpropellantforthebest consistencyandreliability.Features:Hybridtangent-secantogivebulletdesign HighballisticcoefficientSuperioraccuracyacrossawiderangeoffactoryfirearmsLethalandreliableterminalperformanceonmediumandbiggameLoadedtotightspecificationswithGoldMedalprimersnickel-platedbrass andspecializedpropellant Specifications for Federal Premium BERGER HYBRID HUNTER 6.5 Creedmoor 135 Grain Berger Hybrid Centerfire Rifle Ammunition: Manufacturer: Federal Cartridge: 6.5mm Creedmoor Number of Rounds: 20 Bullet Type: Boat Tail Hollow Point (BTHP) Bullet Weight: 135 grain Cartridge Case Material: Brass Muzzle Velocity: 2775 ft/s Muzzle Energy: 2308 ft-lbs Application: Medium Game Package Type: Box Primer Style: Centerfire G1 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.584 G7 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.303 Lead Free: No Features of Federal Premium 6.5 Creedmoor 135gr. Berger Hybrid Hunter Rifle Ammo – 20 Rounds Hybrid tangent-secant ogive bullet design High ballistic coefficient Superior accuracy across a wide range of factory firearms Lethal and reliable terminal performance on medium and big game Loaded to tight specifications with Gold Medal primers, nickel-plated brass and specialized propellant Package Contents: Federal Premium BERGER HYBRID HUNTER 6.5 Creedmoor 135 grain Berger Hybrid Centerfire Rifle Ammunition
Federal Premium BERGER HYBRID HUNTER 6.5 Creedmoor 135 Grain Berger Hybrid Centerfire Rifle Ammunition
SKU: E99100A6
Category: Rifle Ammo
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